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The project comes to life thanks to the support
of many wonderful people and trees:
Agnes Meyer-Brandis

Artist, initiator and director of the One Tree ID project and the Researchraft FFUR - Institute for Art and subjective Science.

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Team Otepää, ES

One Tree ID – Betula pubescens / birchtree was realized in collaboration with Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise;  and Prof. Dr. Manuel Selg and Klaus Krennhuber, Molecular Biology and Chemistry Department, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in the scope of the outdoor exhibition "Wild Bits" at the Estonian art & tech farm Maajaam as part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme.

Team Berlin

One Tree ID – American linden, Swedish whitebeam and London planetree was realized in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Manuel Selg and Klaus Krennhuber, Molecular Biology and Chemistry Department, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise. In the scope of the project "Urban Trees" supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, Neustart Kultur program of the BBK Berlin, 2022.

Team Namur

The site and tree specific installation and "One Tree ID - Pinus Pinea" perfumes were realiszed with with great support of Marie-Laure Fauconnier and Franck Michels, Laboratory of chemistry of natural molecules, University of Liège | ulg · Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, BE and Marc vom Ende, senior perfumer, Symrise.
In the scope of the exhibition
Biotopia at Le Pavillon, a project supported by KIKK (

Marc vom Ende

Senior perfumer at Symrise, fusing nose and machine data into One Tree ID perfumes. 

Team Zagreb, KR

One Tree ID – Gingko biloba and birchtree was realized incollaboration with Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise; Dr. Lidija Strojnik Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, SI and with Prof. Dr. Manuel Selg, Molecular Biology and Chemistry Department, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in the scope of he opening ehibition of KONTEJNER Galley Space.

Team Ljubjana

One Tree ID – Caramel Tree was realized in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Nives Ogrinc and Dr. Lidija Strojnik, Department of Enviromental Sciences, Josef Stefan Institute and Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise. In the scope of the exhibition at Kapelica Gallery, 2022.

Team Søro

One Tree ID – Pear Tree 1/2/3  was realized in collaboration with Riikka Rinnan, Professor, Ecosystem-Atmosphere Interactions and Cleo Lisa Davie-Martin from the University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology, Terrestrial Ecology and Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise in the scope of the exhibition Nature Talks curated by Mathilde Herlnaes, 2021.

Team Silkeborg, DK

One Tree ID – Bulnesia arborea and Tilia cordata was realized in collaboration with Riikka Rinnan and Ida Katrine Frendrup from the University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology, Terrestrial Ecology Section and Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise; Dr. Lidija Strojnik Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, SI in the scope of the exhibition Amazing Nature at KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad

Team Munich

One Tree ID - Acer Platanoides & One Tree ID - Parrotia Persica was realized in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Jörg-Peter Schnitzler and Dr. Andrea Ghirardo, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Research Unit Environmental Simulation (EUS)

Institute of Biochemical Plant Pathology (BIOP) and Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise. In the scope of the exhibition gREen, Sampling Color curated by Jens Hauser and Dietmar Lupfer, 2021.

Team Moscow

One Tree ID – Pinus Sylvestris was realized in collaboration with the National Russian Science Laboratory and Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise. In the scope of the exhibition May the other live in me, Tretyakov Gallery, Laboratoria Art&Science Foundation, 2021

Team Freiburg

One Tree ID – Stone Pine was realized in collaboration with Dr. Jürgen Kreuzwieser, Professur für Baumphysiologie und Forstbonatinik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise. In the scope of the exhibition „Oeko-Logics“ curated  by Dr. Nicoletta Torcelli und Dr. Yvonne Ziegler. 2020.

Team Linz

One Tree ID – Black Pine was realized in collaboration with Prof. Manuel Selg, Molecular Biology and Chemistry Department, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise in the scope of the Prix Ars Electronica exhibition, Cyberarts 2019.

Team Rostock

One Tree ID – Himalaya Cedar was realized in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Birgit Piechulla and Dr. Uta Effmert, Biochemistry, Institute for Bio sciences, University Rostock and Marc vom Ende, Senior Perfumer, Symrise. In the scope of the exhibition „Experiment Zukunft“ at the Kunsthalle Rostock, curated by Susanne Jaschko. With kind support of: Stiftung Kunstfonds, Symrise AG and the University of Rostock, 2019.

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